Monday 21 November 2016

Benefits in Energy Saving and Sustainability with Polyurethanes

Polyurethane is a complex polymer discovered in the first half of the last century and now has found its way in a myriad of applications. We can find them from the mattress where we sleep, inside the cars-seats, steering wheel, instrument panel, roof in the thermal insulation of our refrigerators, sponges with which we bathe, in the soles and insoles of some shoes, which make them lighter and more comfortable, in furniture of the home and office and in leather cases of some smartphones and tablets.

Part of the success of polyurethanes lies in the variation of the additives and the composition used in their production. With this, many different needs can be met in terms of material performance, mechanical properties, consistency, durability and strength. It can be generated from a material of high hardness and density as is the surface of a bowling ball to a material as soft and light as a flexible foam used to apply makeup.

At the beginning of World War II, polyurethane began to be used as a material to replace rubber and during its evolution, it diversified its applications to cope with the scarcity of other materials. It was used in high gloss coatings for aircraft, chemical weapon protection equipment, anti-corrosive coatings for metals, wood and construction.

Subsequently, at the end of the 50s, it penetrated in commercial applications aimed at increasing comfort and reducing manufacturing costs. Some models of spring mattresses were replaced by flexible polyurethane foam of varying degrees of hardness, density and cost, taking advantage of the high productivity that this block foam manufacturing process allows.

As these applications evolved and diversified, the most recent trends are focused not only on comfort and cost, but also on helping to reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the sustainability of cities by reducing CO2 emissions as well as increase the quality of life of families.

The introduction of polyurethane in the automotive industry, for example, has allowed the reduction of fuel consumption and increased comfort by reducing vehicle weight, lighter parts, thermal insulation, less use of air conditioning and heating, corrosion resistance in paint and polyurethane parts and sound absorption, elimination of external sounds and motor inside the car. With a coat of polyurethane, you can save the wood furniture for a longer time while it gives a shiny look as well. For the best brands of polyurethane, please pay a to